Thursday, August 19, 2010

What’s That Noise? Oh…It’s Just Elizabeth Cady Stanton Rolling Over In Her Grave.

The 19th Amendment, the one giving American women the right to vote, was ratified 90 years ago today.  There has been progress made by my gender since then in the areas of employment and wages, and socially in general. Despite this progress, I see night after night in the club repeated slaps in the face to feminism. 
1)      Women sitting on men’s laps in order to score a free drink
2)      Women getting pinched in the ass, grabbed on the breast and generally sexually harassed and they do nothing to stop it
3)      Women wearing clothes/shoes that look extremely uncomfortable because that’s what men say makes them look sexy
4)      Women fighting (with fists) against each other…over men
Me being the feminist that I am, here’s how I would (and sometimes do) handle these four situations:
1)      Buy my own drink with the money I earned at the job that I have because of pioneering women in the early 20th century
2)      If a guy grabs my ass, tell him to cut it the hell out before I break the offending hand
3)      I wear whatever is comfortable and am still damned fashionable.  I like my skin covered up so I can show it to whomever I like, not to the whole world
4)      No man is worth getting into fisticuffs with a woman
After nine decades of Women’s Rights, why are some of still acting like we live in Bedrock and have to be at Fred Flintstone’s back and call?


  1. Indigenous cultures have a clear separation of gender roles simply because men are better at some things than women and vice versa. In a modern society, there should be no such distinctions (unless both parties want them) and why women perpetuate these for a free drink or some male attention is beyond me.

    Ladies - here's what it takes to get a man's attention - XX chromosomes, intelligence and a decent personalty. If a man requires much more than that, he's a boy and you should stop hanging around high schools.

  2. I should PS that by saying that a face that won't shatter a Coke bottle is a never a bad thing.
